Monday, April 18, 2022

New York State Insider: Election Desk 2022: Astorino: Gov. Hochul Must Address Secret Flights.



23 Suspected Terrorists Indentified at Border Last Year Alone.

New York-Apr. 18…Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, the former two-term Westchester County Executive, today blasted Governor Kathy Hochul and her administration for remaining silent about secret federal flights packed with illegal immigrants regularly landing at at least one New York airport. Mr. Astorino, who broke this story in August, and who has personally recorded the late-night flights arriving and buses transporting to various locations, said that news of suspected terrorists crossing the U.S. border makes these flights potentially dangerous. 

“Whatever happened to ‘if you see something, say something?’” Mr. Astorino asked. “I’ve been pounding the warning drums for months about these flights while Governor Hochul has completely ignored them. How does a governor, whose state was devastated by terrorist attacks, look the other way when we know suspected terrorists are crossing the U.S. border? It’s unconscionable.” 

Mr. Astorino’s remarks came on the same day that Fox News announced the results of a Freedom of Information Law request that confirmed that at least 23 individuals on the FBI terror watch list were caught crossing the U.S. southern border in 2021 alone. 

“We know suspected terrorists are crossing our southern border, yet we continue to secretly relocate to New York people whose identities are virtually unknown to us,” Mr. Astorino continued. “I know it’s woke to declare New York a ‘Sanctuary State’, but real possible dangers are being ignored in the process, including drugs and gangs, not to mention the cost to hard working taxpayers. It’s time for Governor Hochul to come clean about what’s going on.”

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