Monday, May 2, 2022

New York State Insider: Election 2022 Desk: Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar: Elections 2022.


Statement from New York State  Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. 
Brooklyn, NY - “Gov. Kathy Hochul chose Brian Benjamin to be her Lt. Governor and 2022 running mate despite common knowledge that Mr. Benjamin was being investigated for corruption, which apparently meant nothing to Mrs. Hochul. When she selected Mr. Benjamin to run alongside her this year, Mrs. Hochul was perfectly well aware that under existing New York State Election Law Mr. Benjamin could not be removed from the ballot after the declination process expired. These are the rules for everyone — except for Mrs. Hochul evidently. 
“Today’s legislative machinations to get Mr. Benjamin off the ballot are an affront to New Yorkers who expect their elected officials to follow the laws they create. By changing this law midstream, solely to benefit Mrs. Hochul, the Democrats in the State Legislature have made it clear that there is one set of rules for Democrat elected officials and another for everyone else. This action is a disgrace, even by Albany standards.” 

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