Wednesday, May 18, 2022

New York State Insider: Election Desk 2022 News: Astorino Calls for Return of Broken Windows, Stop-Question-and-Frisk.



New York, May 18…New York gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino today released a 10-point plan to reduce crime throughout New York State. 

The plan includes the return of Broken Windows Policing throughout the state, one of the most effective crime fighting strategies in U.S. history that was systematically dismantled by one-party Democratic rule in New York City and Albany. Broken Windows policing focuses on small crimes to prevent larger ones. 

Mr. Astorino, a former two-term Westchester County Executive, is also advocating the return of Stop-Question-and-Frisk tactics for suspected criminals and the end of a highly-politicized and expensive federal monitor that has handcuffed police officers from doing their jobs. 

“We know how to keep the public safe, so why aren’t we doing it?,” Mr. Astorino asked. “After the near virtual collapse of New York City a generation ago, two consecutive Republican mayors employed Broken Windows — a conservative idea — and it made New York the safest large city in America. Law enforcement officials from across the globe flocked here to find out what we were doing right — then the progressives took two decades of progress and threw it all away.”

“No-cash-bail, defunding and defaming the police, and profound failures in our mental health systems have also contributed immensely to the crime wave we are now suffering statewide, and that is needlessly costing us lives,” he continued. “Governor Hochul and her Democratic colleagues don’t realize how badly they’ve screwed things up and how dangerous our cities have become. It’s time for them to go; it’s time to make New York safe again.”

Mr. Astorino pledged to take 10 specific actions as governor to dramatically reduce crime and restore a sense of security in New York communities. They are:

  1. Bring back Broken Windows policing;
  2. Restore Stop-Question-and-Frisk tactics for suspected criminals;
  3. Post uniformed police officers on subway platforms;
  4. Repeal the No-Cash-Bail Law;
  5. Fund and support law enforcement;
  6. Restore qualified immunity for NYC police officers;
  7. Deploy undercover officers on Neighborhood Safety Teams (as opposed to current policy of requiring police department identification on clothing);
  8. Remove district attorneys who refuse to prosecute crimes; 
  9. Fire Governor Hochul’s radical Parole Board that has released more than 20 convicted cop killers over the past couple of years, and
  10. Add dedicated beds and resources to mental health system and expand facilities, if needed. 

“New York’s current and growing crime is totally self-inflicted,” Mr. Astorino added. “It’s time to bring common sense back to Albany. People are dying and our communities are reeling. I’m happy to tell them that help is on the way.”

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