Friday, May 20, 2022

New York State Insider: New York State Senator Shelley Mayer: Legislative Update: Unemployment Assistance.

Two years after the start of the pandemic, I continue to receive calls from constituents who have not heard back from the Department of Labor. This is an extremely real and frustrating issue for the people we serve. We need to change the system to get our neighbors the information and benefits they are entitled to in a timely manner.

I am pleased to share legislation (S.6828A/A.9268A) Assemblymember Chris Burdick and I sponsor to require the Department of Labor to notify unemployment assistant claimants of their approval status within 30 days has passed both the Senate and the Assembly. If signed by the Governor, it will ensure that claimants, many of whom are facing severe financial strain, receive a response concerning their eligibility for benefits in a timely manner. If a determination cannot be made within 30 days, the Department of Labor will be required to inform the claimant and provide a new estimated time frame for determination.

New York State Senator Shelley Mayer.

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