Tuesday, June 11, 2024




June 11, 2024

Statement on Federal Nursing Home Death Probe by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar.

“More than 13,000 New York seniors died as a result of former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s ill-conceived Covid-19 policies, and his lack of contrition is deafening. Today, he called the federal probe into his actions the ‘nuclearization’ of the Justice Department, demonstrating his callous disregard for surviving family members seeking answers and justice. His attitude regarding these hearings is appalling, especially in light of the millions of dollars he made from a book about his Covid 'leadership.’

“Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis is right to demand answers from the former governor, including in her queries about the relative monetary incentives of hospitals, nursing homes, and COVID facilities. Rep. Malliotakis is also correctly pressing for the timeline of events and information that lead to Mr. Cuomo’s controversial decision.

“Interestingly, Governor Kathy Hochul has escaped testifying in the probe. Mrs. Hochul was New York’s Lt. Governor during the Covid pandemic, and she should be a material witness in the case. Mrs. Hochul either knew what was going on, or she was so disconnected from her job that she was ignored by her own governor. The public has a right to know where Mrs. Hochul was when the decision was being made to place Covid patients in vulnerable nursing home facilities. Did she know about the decision? Was she consulted about it? Did she object or sign off on it? These are questions the public has every right to ask, and which, as governor, she has a responsibility to answer.”

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