Sunday, July 28, 2024

New York State Insider: New York State Conservative Party: Statement on Paris 'Last Supper' Desecration.



July 28, 2024.


Statement on Drag Queen ‘Last Supper’ Desecration at Olympics by

New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar.

“The Last Supper is sacred to 2.4 billion Christians around the world. It is the basis of most Christian masses, yet progressives running the Paris Olympics somehow thought it would be funny to lampoon the sacred imagery with drag queens at the opening of the Paris Olympics. To call the decision outrageous would be an understatement.


“Everyday people are sick and tired of the progressive left attacking the beliefs, traditions, and customs billions hold dear. There is a meanness to these people, a cruelty, that belies every argument they make about equality.


“Here in the U.S. we see the left’s vitriol against Christians and Jews alike, and the New York State Conservative Party will not stand for it.


“I’ll be rooting for the U.S. Olympic Team with all my heart, but with the television off. Blatant sacrilege doesn’t deserve an audience.”

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