Saturday, September 14, 2024

New York State Insider: 2024 Election Desk: New York State Senator Pete Harckham 40th District Democrat: The NYSUT Endorsement is Big News!

This week I received an endorsement from 
New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), the nearly 700,000 member New York State teachers’ union.


This is big news!


NYSUT President Melinda Person said that I have proven my support “for working families by fighting to protect accessible health care, clean water and well-funded schools.


Fully funding our schools was a top priority of mine when I first ran, and I kept my promise. I will continue to focus on education funding to make sure that our educational goals are met.


Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders—and they are depending on us for the top-notch education they deserve.


Since my Republican counterparts regularly vote against education funding in the State Budget, however, there is no reason at all to think my opponent will do otherwise.


This year, I was able to secure over $543 million in educational aid to the 40th Senate District, an increase of $17.2 million or 3.28%. Since taking office in 2019, I have delivered an increase of $210 million in education aid to SD40 schools, which has lessened the burden on local taxpayers.

 Thank you.



New York State Senator - 40th District - Democrat - Pete Harckham. 

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