Thursday, January 6, 2022

New York State Insider: New York State Assemblyman Tom Abinanti 92nd District: This Year's Abinanti Agenda.


Jan. 7, 2021 
The Abinanti Agenda: For the Pandemic and Beyond.

This week, our Governor Kathy Hochul set forth her agenda in her 2022 State of the State address to bring New York into a new era of cooperation, transparency, and innovation.

Governor Hochul projected her bold vision for our state's future. She harkened to the grace and grit of our State's past. She proposed new approaches for the pandemic and beyond, and she signaled cooperation with the Legislature by giving her address in the Assembly chambers - "The People's House" - where it traditionally had been delivered until the previous Governor moved it to the Convention Center. 

I have my own Abinanti Agenda as well. To date, 58 Abinanti bills have become law and I am still carrying some 150 bills (with a few additional ones to be added) which address important matters that have been brought to my attention needing a State legislative remedy. 

The following list covers everything from enhancing the lives of people with disabilities across our state to addressing climate change to combatting gun violence to helping businesses in our own community to protecting pro-choice rights. 

Clearly this agenda will not be completed in one week. The legislative process is a long-distance run, not a sprint. Generally bills need to be "worked" over a period of time: draft, circulate, refine, generate support, move through committees, report to the Assembly floor, move through "third reading" process, debate, vote. Some of these bills are well along - others are at the beginning of the process. 

If you see a need for a new state law, please let me know. 

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