Wednesday, January 5, 2022

New York State Insider: New York State Assemblyman Tom Abinanti 92nd District: 2 More Abinanti Bills Signed by Governor.


Jan. 4, 2022 
Governor Signs 2 More Abinanti Bills.

13 Abinanti Bills Become Law in 2021. 

Before the 2021 deadline, Governor Hochul signed two more Abinanti bills bringing the total to 13 Abinanti bills signed. The two most recent bills will enhance the lives of New Yorkers with disabilities. 

"These bills will improve the ability of the State's Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council to establish important protections and improve programs and services for people with disabilities," said Assemblymember Tom Abinanti (D- Greenburgh, Mt. Pleasant). "I am pleased to see that our new Governor recognizes that people with disabilities are a state priority and is willing to work collaboratively to respond to the challenges that people with disabilities face." 

Among the 13 Abinanti bills signed are laws that extend the requirement for supermarkets to donate food for the needy to charitable entities, help ensure students with special needs continue to receive services not provided during COVID, and authorize licensed mental health professionals to provide their services at summer camps. 

"This was a very productive legislative session for the people of the State of New York and my community," said Abinanti. "I look forward to working with the Governor on the many important issues that we are facing and need to be addressed." 

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