Friday, April 1, 2022

New York State Insider: Election Desk 2022 News: Judge Throws out Redistricting Lines: Democrats going to Appellate Division to Appeal Ruling: Elections 2022.

Yesterday State Supreme Court Judge Patrick McAllister has thrown out New Congressional and State Legislative District Lines ordering Lawmakers to a come back with a New Redistricting Plan with weeks by April 11th.

The Democrats Plan to Appeal this Lower Court Decision and attempt to get A Stay on this Decision of the Lower Court Decision in the Appeal Process.  

One of the People behind the Suit in the Redistricting Plan was Former Congressman John Faso stated due to this Ruling: "“The people won, and the politicians lost".

The Court Battle now heads to the Appeals Process on this Important Election Court Case. Petitions are due in Board of Elections by April 7th,  which leads to some Political Intrigue on this Case.

We will keep our readers posted as to what happens in the Appeal Process as to what the final out come will be on this Election Case. 

There is a thought that Insider's believed that the GOP would prevail in the Lower Courts and The Democrats would prevail in the Appeal, I guess we shall see if that ends up being the Case. It makes for a Very Interesting Case to see what the Final Outcome will be. 

New York State Insider Publisher Delfim Heusler

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