Saturday, April 9, 2022

New York State Insider: Statement from State Senate Minority Leader Republican Rob Ortt: NYS BUDGET FAIL.


Dear Friend,

Albany Politicians just passed a runaway spending Budget that pushes a radical leftist agenda and spends 220 BILLION taxpayer dollars.

The 2022-2023 New York State Budget includes nearly $8 billion MORE than last year, and a stunning $34 billion MORE than 2020. This represents a staggering two-year spending increase of more than 18 percent.

Since 2019, Senate Democrats have consistently blown past the two-percent spending cap Republicans maintained while in the Majority.

The radical leftist agenda has only failed New Yorkers:

  • No meaningful changes to pro-criminal laws like bail reform;
  • Failure to provide full state gas tax relief;
  • Taxpayer-funded tuition for inmates;
  • Millions for taxpayer funded political campaigns – which is great for career politicians, but really bad for taxpayers;
  • Weakens New York’s critical Kendra’s Law 

It’s time that Albany politicians return to Planet Earth and support the priorities of the people of New York.

Rather than giving away taxpayer money to lawbreakers, what we need to be doing is cutting taxes and government waste, delivering much needed gas tax relief, and adopting a philosophy to make our state less expensive, less dangerous, and more prosperous.

State Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt WWW.ROBORTT.COM

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