Wednesday, May 11, 2022

New York State Insider: NYS Senate Passes Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, May 11th, 2022.

NYS Senate Passes Ban on Animal Testing for Cosmetics.  

New York State Senate passes bill to prohibit cosmetic animal testing in New York.

ALBANY, NY –  Yesterday, May 10th, the New York State Senate passed State Senator Biaggi’s legislation (S4839B) to prevent the sale of cosmetics tested on animals in the State of New York. 

In 2008, New York State banned manufacturers and testing facilities within the state from conducting animal testing where an appropriate validated alternative method is available. The Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act would expand that ban to cover all manufacturers from importing for profit or sale in the state any cosmetics tested on animals, aligning New York law with eight other states that prohibit animal testing. 

For decades consumers and activists alike have demanded that cosmetic companies stop using animals to test cosmetic products – almost 80% of American voters would favor a federal ban on cosmetic animal testing. Many companies responded to consumer demand by eliminating the use of animals for testing. However, multitudes of cosmetic companies subject rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, and dogs to horrifying and painful tests to determine whether chemicals in products can harm a fetus, cause allergic reactions, and if they are dangerous to inhale or ingest. Once animals undergo these tests, they are immediately discarded as though their lives have no value. 

Animal testing raises serious concerns by subjecting animals to unnecessary pain and suffering and falling short of ensuring human safety with often misleading conclusions. While protecting the safety of humans by testing cosmetics is important and necessary, there is no reason that it has to be at an animal’s expense.  Modern, non-animal based cosmetic testing is far more accurate and follows guidelines established by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) by using organisms like bacteria, tissues and cells from humans as well as sophisticated computer models or chemical methods. 

"To countless New Yorkers, animals serve as a member of the family providing them with unconditional love and support. No animal should ever face abuse or unsafe conditions –– and this legislation makes it clear that New Yorkers will not tolerate their mistreatment. I am proud to sponsor the New York Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act to prevent products tested on animals from being sold in New York State and I extend my deepest gratitude to Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal for their partnership to move this bill forward,” said New York State Senator Alessandra Biaggi. 

“We are thrilled that the New York Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act has passed the State Senate. US history has shown that state activity leads to changes at the federal level. Because of New York’s association with the fashion and beauty industries, passing the New York Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act could be the tipping point that leads to the passage of a federal Humane Cosmetics Act,” said Monica Engebretson, Head of Public Affairs North America for Cruelty Free International. 

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